Duchess Pep Assembly 101917

The traditional DUCHESS PEP ASSEMBLY took place Thursday afternoon out at WHS - ordinarily held on game day and coronation day (Friday), this year it was on Thursday since school won't be in session Friday. Big crowd on hand to meet the Duchess Candidates and their escorts, watch them compete in a game or two...the Cheerleaders kept everyone fired up along with the Crusader Band!! 

The PAST is a BLAST @ WHS Thursday!

Spirit Week continued across the USD 353 school district today - the theme for Thursday at WHS was "THROWBACK THURSDAY" - good participation, here are a few pics from WHS earlier this Thursday morning! No School Tomorrow - Football / Duchess Coronation / & Homecoming Dance are on slate for Friday though!!) (Complete SPIRIT WEEK schedule is linked below)!

Reminder though:


Small Town Pride - WHS Football!

In 1969, Wellington High School won it's first State Football Championship. A member of that squad, John Fisk (aka Robbie) was back in Wellington a few years ago and at that time he shared a song he had written about the first championship in '69 called "SMALL TOWN PRIDE"! We put some current pics at that time with it -  so it's time to fire that song up again as we head into Week #2 of district play this Friday with Mulvane.